Be Your Best Self

A man and his son are reading together.

Wisdom Lesson One

Life wisdom

When I told my daughter I was putting together this book she said to me, “What makes you qualified? My response to her was that I have lived a pretty full life with both good and bad and have had many life experiences. I am much wiser now, and realize what I was lacking, and how important it is to have these skills early on.

A boy and girl are doing squats in the gym.

Wisdom Lesson Two

Stay, Healthy and Live Life to the Fullest


Have you ever wondered why some people are healthier than others? Why is it that some people who look healthy on the outside, get sick more often than others? After discussing these questions with my doctors, here are some possible answers.

A group of children running down the road

Wisdom Lesson Three

Stay Happy


In Alive2Thrive video #12 we learned that success is not always the way to happiness. Your successes can result in happiness, but this type of happiness can be short lived. If you rely on your successes to bring you happiness, you may spend a good part of your life unhappy.

Remember: There is no WAY to happiness; Happiness IS the Way.

Happiness is a state of mind, and you have the ability to control your state of mind through your actions. And, sometimes faking it until you make it can come into play here.

So how might you achieve a happy state of mind? It’s not just one thing, but a combination of a number of things in your life. Here are some tips to stay happy:

Maintain Optimism

Those people who are able to maintain a happy state of mind almost always tend to be Optimists. Pessimists who are looking at the downside of everything will have a difficult time maintaining happiness. If your optimism doesn’t come naturally, you may need to work hard to turn it around. Optimism can be a learned behavior. Try to use more positive words. The words you use are important. Look for the good in everything you see. If you find yourself thinking on the negative side of anything, ask yourself, “What’s good about it?”

Build and maintain your sense of humor.

Your sense of humor may just be one of your most powerful assets. Laughter and smiles have the power to create a happy state of mind. They also have an enormous positive effect on your health and your relationships. It’s been said that “Laughter is like changing a baby’s diaper. It may not make a permanent difference, but it sure improves things for a while.” That’s not really true – it can result in a permanent shift to a happier state of mind.

Start each day off with a smile and try to smile at everyone you see each day. Make it a point to be someone’s reason to smile every day. You’ll feel better, and they will too.

What’s love got to do with it?

In South Africa the natives have a term they use called “Ubuntu.” Very simply it means, “I am who I am through other people.” Part of who you are and your happiness is connected with the people you know and love. Happiness is more difficult if you can’t share it with someone you love.

Love also extends beyond people. What are the things in your life that you love? Surround yourself with these things whenever you can. And like what you do. It is said, “If you like what you do, you will never work another day in your life.”

The chicken vs. the egg

Am I laughing because I’m happy, or am I happy because I’m laughing? Which one comes first? Turns out it really doesn’t matter. You can laugh (or smile) for no reason at all, and your body reacts in the same positive way that it would if you just heard the funniest joke ever.

Remember that happiness is contagious.

Happiness, laughter, smiles are all very contagious. Remember that and build on it. It’s a contagion that you want to spread.

Find the beauty around you.

True happiness can be found in just seeing the beauty of everything around you. Make it a point to deeply observe everything around you whenever you can and see things you would not normally see. And, when you see these things, spend some time reveling in their beauty.

Surround yourself with happy.

The environment around you can be a powerful stimulant to your own happiness. Whether it’s your workplace or your home, surround yourself with things that make you happy. Spend most of your time with other people who make you happy. And, if this is not possible, work on making them happy.

Use “happy words.” Remember that a lot of your own behavior stems from what comes from your mouth. If you tend to use unhappy words, you may end up being an unhappy person. So, try your best to use happy words in all your conversation. You’ll feel much better for it, and it will rub off on everyone you deal with each day.

Remember: “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves”.

“Some people grin and bear it. Others smile and change”