Hand Up Curricula Subsidy for School Districts
We believe that all K-12 students should learn essential personal life skills as a core part of their education hand-in-hand with academic subjects -- a two-pillar approach to education.
Until curricula that teach these skills to students is a required part of the American education system, we are supporting school districts across the country by helping to fund essential personal life skills curricula.
This investment helps ensure that students gain the critical skills needed for success in school, relationships, careers, and life.
As this McKinsey & Co. report shows, the skills that students will most need
in the future world of work are those that fall under the category of
essential personal life skills.
We work with a select list of companies that provide quality video-based curriculum for grades K-12, and when they identify a district that would like to contract for their programming for their K-12th grade students but cannot pay for it in full, we help to subsidize a portion of that cost. We then encourage those school districts to establish community business and parent partnerships to help sustain the funding needed to prioritize the annual investment for that curriculum.

How to use santorofoundation.org
This website is a free resource of material to help improve your social and emotional intelligence. The material on this website ranges from individual “sayings” to a full curriculum program called Alive2Thrive. To help you become your best self, please review all this site has to offer. It is important you pass this site along to others so they can be the best they can be and by doing so we will build the best society.