Managing Me
Developing a Positive Mindset
The MANAGING ME module seeks to empower you with the ability to guide your own thoughts in more positive directions each day.
Each video lesson and its activities are designed so that you are empowered with the skills to take control of your emotions and your life.
Some of the things you will learn in this module include:
- How to deal with lapses in confidence
- How to take responsibility when your instinct is to make an excuse
- Why resilience is crucial to reaching your goals
- The importance of taking on a Learn More mindset
- Explore what motivates you
The video lessons come with a number of activities or public and private discussion questions. Just as with the previous modules, think critically about how you feel and the thoughts they inspire. By engaging in honest and open discussion in your classroom or with your mentor, you are not only helping yourself but helping those around you.
10- Recovering Confidence
Learning Objective: This lesson will help you develop strategies for how to regain confidence when it is has been threatened by circumstances. It will assist you in identifying your personal strengths and stay focused on them. You are not the mistakes you make!
Fear and doubt produce lies that cause us to lose self-confidence. They steal our attention away from other truths we know about ourselves. That’s why it’s important to identify our personal strengths and stay focused on them. In this lesson, you will learn how to identify these strengths and hold on to them through the tough times.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
11- Living Above the Land of Excuses
Learning Objective: You will learn the difference between excuses and personal responsibility. You will explore why it is so hard to have the courage and the self-discipline to let go of excuses and take responsibility.
In this lesson, you will gain a better understanding of why it is so tempting to offer excuses for poor performances and mistakes. What does it take to live above the line of responsibility?
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
12- The Search for Happiness
Learning Objective: Too often, people believe that IF we achieve success at something, THEN we’ll be happy. This is simply not true. In this lesson you will learn strategies for raising your personal happiness set-point.
There is no WAY to happiness; Happiness IS the Way.
Do you ever wonder why some people are happier than others? How did they get that way? The lesson will provide you with five strategies that can help you make the choice to be happy.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
13- The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Learning Objective: Through this lesson, you will identify how circumstances generate personal interpretations and emotional reactions. You will learn how to practice not jumping to the worst possible interpretations of why people say and do things.
This lesson seeks to teach you that it’s not what happens to us that matters; it’s what we think it means, and how we respond. When you are confronted with something difficult will it be with anger and resentment, or patience and understanding?
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
14- Don’t Feel Like It, Do It Anyway
Learning Objective: In this lesson, you will learn the meaning of self-discipline and work out how it can be applied to your life. Self-discipline is about going to that practice or studying for that test even though you don’t feel like it.
Often times in life we make goals for ourselves, whether it is to get a “B" in a difficult class or to help your basketball team win the district championship. These goals require time and effort, but we don’t always feel like studying or shooting those extra free throws. Your self-discipline and perseverance are what will get you past those feelings to the achievement of your goals.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
Learning Objective: You will understand the benefits of working on making daily progress toward goals. In addition, it will offer the chance to describe how you can apply goal-setting and follow thru in your own life.
What the world calls winning is actually the inevitable outcome of beating your own personal best day after day. This lesson seeks to teach you that if you make a tiny bit of progress every single day, and end that day better than you were that morning, you are winning.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
16- Look Good or Learn More
Learning Objective: You will learn the difference between effort and talent and how they each can impact your performance. Through this lesson, you’ll explore whether you are of the “Look Good Mindset” or the “Learn More Mindset.”
Here you will learn about what it means to have a Growth Mindset (the Learn More group). Being someone that believes they are CAPABLE of improving WHATEVER talent they have AS LONG as they keep working at it.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
17- What’s the Performance Formula?
Learning Objective: You will learn about the elements of the “Performance Success Formula” and how to respond when your performances aren’t so successful.
If we could analyze a performance and break it down into a formula, what would we find? It might be simpler than you think. This lesson seeks for you to understand that there’s no such thing as failure…only Lessons!
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
18- Prisoner, Settler, or Pioneer
Learning Objective: Here you will learn three possible ways to face adversity and how to apply these strategies to your personal experiences. The new way of thinking, provided by this lesson, will help you take on adverse situations and work towards success.
This lesson presents three approaches to how you can respond to difficult situations. Some people find themselves being prisoners to a situation, others choose to settle for less than what they can achieve, but there are people who decide to work for more. They are the Pioneers.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
19- Make Your Movie
Learning Objective: Through this lesson you will learn how to take a proactive strategy for handling discouragement when you face a learning plateau. By using this strategy you will become the director of your own life movie.
Have you ever been so discouraged about your progress that you just felt like quitting? You know, like when you keep trying but don’t get anywhere…so what’s the use? This lesson will teach you how to take hold of your life -- your movie -- in those situations.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
20- Solve the Mystery of Motivation
Learning Objective: Here you will identify the personal unmet needs that fuel you! What motivates you to work hard? How do you choose what to work hard at and what to let slide?
In this lesson, you will explore what exactly is motivation, why sometimes it is hard to get motivated, and what it is that gets you really motivated.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
21- Ask Wonder-FULL Questions
Learning Objective: Through this lesson, you will learn how to not just ask questions, but the right questions. You’ll understand how to get the creative answers you need to navigate everyday situations.
You’re on a journey to become something more than you are, and NOTHING impacts the direction of your journey more than the questions you ask yourself. It can all start by asking yourself questions that start with “I wonder how I can…”
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
22- Fake It Until You Make It
Learning Objective: Most people understand that our brains affect our bodies. But does it work the other way around? The answer is YES! Through this lesson you will learn how your body does this and how you can work to control it, and to act the way you want to become and increase your chances of performing confidently – in sports and school.
With this lesson you will learn how to use your body to act the way you want to become and increase your chances of performing confidently – in sports and school.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
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This website is a free resource of material to help improve your personal life skills, or emotional intelligence. The material on this website ranges from individual “sayings” to a full curriculum program called Alive2Thrive. To help you become your best self, please review all this site has to offer. It is important you pass this site along to others so they can be the best they can be and by doing so we will build the best society.