52 more Alive2Thrive students graduate, and $93,500 in scholarships awarded!

Fifty-two local students recently graduated from the Santoro Foundation’s Alive2Thrive personal life skills program. These students participated in this program during the spring and summer this year, and were celebrated on Saturday, July 23rd. In total, $93,500 was awarded to these 52 participants. Of these recent program graduates, 37 attend or have already graduated from the Villages Charter High School, and 9 attend or have already graduated from South Sumter High. The remainder of these participants attend or have graduated from other area high schools.
Pictured are: (back row) Sophia Page, Lucas Wixted, Joshua Labasbas, Marithza Joseph, Michael D’Alessandro, Tyler Ortengren, Tom Trifu, Christian Simons, Joe Killpatrick, Jade Alexander, Deborah Fawole, Jacob Evilsizer, Christian Tetrault, Ian Sierra, Emily Rivera, Caleb Mommaerts and Adam Lepera; (front row) Teagan Murphy, Taylor Murphy, Sofia Mejia, Olivia Williams, Jessica Aguilar, Jasmine Garcia, Unique Sharp, Chloe Smith, Eden Livaich, Ale’jah Poole, Haylie Lukert, Fabiola Iglesias, Amber Quintanilla and Jose Blanco.
Graduates not able to participate at the celebration event and therefore not pictured are: Abigail Derby-Wine, A.J. Durbano, Ariel Purl, Bailey Burton, Daniyah Snowden, Emily Shpur, Gena Zentko, Grace McCormack, Harvey Morrissey, Hayma Win, Isabella Scott, Joseph Dossey, Katelyn Shpur, Kelly Chan-Pong, Kylie Adams, Laine Eary, Lanina Murillo, Mark Morrissey, Mytu Nguyen, Ryan Thurgaland and Taylor Morrissey.