Relating to Others
Learning to Serve Others
RELATING TO OTHERS, the final module of video lessons, at its core seeks to make you ready to build stronger friendships, as well as meet the needs of others.
Some of the things you will learn in this module include;
- How to respond when others make mistakes
- How to work with and convince others to get what you want instead of forcing them to get what you want
- Some of the common causes for why we lose friends and how you might overcome pride and fear to reconnect with them
- What it means to be of service to others and what that sacrifice can produce
- And finally, a review of the four modules of the Alive2Thrive curriculum.
29-Using Force Vs. Power
Learning Objective: You will have a better understanding of the motives and choices for why some people use Force vs Power in relationships. This lesson will explain the difference between these two approaches to “getting what you want”; FORCE (to coerce, push, control), or POWER (to attract, draw in, entice).
People tend to fall into one of two groups when it comes to getting what they want. Group 1: Using FORCE to make things happen… or… Group 2: Using personal POWER to attract things into existence. This video lesson will explore the difference between these two tactics and what may be the result of using FORCE or POWER. After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
Learning Objective: Through this lesson you will learn about how fear and pride can influence your behavior and have consequences on your relationships. The lesson will explore some of the common causes for why we lose friends and how you might overcome pride and fear to reconnect.
No one WANTS to be a turn-off to their friends, but it can happen to any of us. Have you ever wondered what causes people to drift off or actually run the other way? It’s usually when we act out of fear, or out of pride. This video will explain what we mean. After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
31- The Boomerang Effect
Learning Objective: Through this lesson, you will learn what it means to be of service to others, and what that sacrifice can produce. The video will explain why “you can have anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.” This lesson explores what it means to serve others; what drives a person’s attitude and behavior toward self-sacrifice.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
Learning Objective: You will learn some effective and ineffective methods of having healthy conversations with others. The lesson will provide with strategies for how to turn confrontational situations into healthy dialogue.
Conversation skills or the lack of skill, is the single biggest factor that determines how we get along with others. This lesson will challenge you to take a look at what’s going on in your conversations.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion questions.
33- Villains and Victims
Learning Objective:
Through this lesson, you will learn how to avoid turning people into villains and thinking like a victim. Too often when we are faced with confrontation, we end up labeling others as the villain and ourselves as the victim.
This lesson will help you to better understand why it is that we label others, and how it feels to be labeled ourselves; you’ll also understand which emotions are driving these impulses to make villains out of others and victims of ourselves.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion questions.
34- Mission: Sacrifice
Learning Objective: In this video, you will learn about personal sacrifice and what it means to put others first. It will explain, through a baseball analogy, why it is that we sacrifice for the benefit of others, and how it is the highest level of serving. You will explore where you are willing to make a sacrifice to meet the needs of others.
To sacrifice something of value for another person’s good is the highest level of serving. It requires taking our eyes off ourselves and being more concerned about someone else. Who are you willing to put ahead of yourself? This lesson will help you explore these questions for yourself.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion questions.
35- Other People’s Mistakes
Learning Objective: People make mistakes, say the wrong thing, or sometimes just forget what’s important. We have a choice about how we respond to them when this happens. Through this video lesson, you will learn how best to respond when others make mistakes. You will learn how to talk to a friend or classmate when they make a mistake without causing more problems. You will also explore how to properly criticize someone’s efforts or mistakes without alienating them -- and how to properly “educate” someone without sounding like a “know-it-all.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion questions.
Learning Objective: In this lesson you will review the four quadrants of ALIVE2THRIVE and know where to find answers to future questions. You will learn about why it is important to re-read your answers from previous lessons and seek out the books that this curriculum is based upon.
Congratulations! You’ve completed the Alive2Thrive lessons. We began this course by calling it a journey. That means that while you’ve completed the videos, the journey will still go on. In this lesson, you will review your journey with Alive2Thrive and get pointers about how to continue learning on your own.
After watching the video, download the lesson worksheet and complete the discussion activity.
How to use
This website is a free resource of material to help improve your personal life skills and emotional intelligence. The material on this website ranges from individual “sayings” to a full curriculum program called Alive2Thrive. To help you become your best self, please review all this site has to offer. It is important you pass this site along to others so they can be the best they can be and by doing so we will build the best society.