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Comprehensive Essential Personal Life Skills Curriculum


The Santoro Educational Life Skills Foundation’s web-based Alive2Thrive program is a comprehensive essential personal life skills curriculum.  This curriculum contains pure essential personal life skills content, without anything added that does not belong under this topic.  Many others call this social and emotional learning, but we prefer the term essential personal life skills because these skills are essential, and they are personal.

This curriculum features a series of 36 videos segmented into four targeted modules.  Anyone from age 12 to 92 can benefit from learning this curriculum, as it teaches basic personal and interpersonal skills.  Just like when you do more reading and writing you get better at those skills, the more you practice these skills, the better you become as a person. 

Each module below includes a series of short (2-3 minute) video lessons on specific topics. These lessons are followed by a 15- to 20-minute discussion time which can be led by a teacher or mentor. The lessons are designed for middle and high school students, but can also be used for adults and all included content is found on this website.

About Alive2Thrive - Parents, Teachers & Mentors
About Alive2Thrive - Students


A group of people standing next to each other.


The ALIVE2THRIVE program only has one goal; To empower you with the skills you need to guide your own life’s decisions and fulfill your potential.

Honestly, we are asking a lot from you to achieve this goal. Finishing the video lessons takes time and it...

A woman and girl sitting on the couch using a laptop.


Parents, the ALIVE2THRIVE lessons are also for you. We invite you to use these video lessons to introduce important discussions with your child.

While it can be difficult to bring up some of the topics covered by this curriculum, the video lessons are an easy and effective way for you to...

A man and boy are pointing at something on the whiteboard.


Teachers and mentors, we invite you to use the ALIVE2THRIVE video lessons to start important discussions with your students. While it can be difficult to bring up some of the topics covered by this curriculum, the video lessons are an easy and effective way for you to begin a long-term conversation a


A drawing of a head with gears in the shape of a brain.

The lessons in the KNOWING ME module seek to empower you with the ability to self-reflect upon “what it means to be you.”

Each video lesson and its activities are designed so that you can better understand yourself and work to become the individual you want to be. It is important that you take each lesson’s activities to heart by being honest with your answers. You are not being graded so the only person you would be cheating is yourself. This is an opportunity to find practical ways to improve yourself and fulfill your potential.

The MANAGING ME module seeks to empower you with the ability to guide your own thoughts in more positive directions each day.

Each video lesson and its activities are designed so that you are empowered with the skills to take control of your emotions and your life.

Some of the things you will learn in this module include:

  • How to deal with lapses in confidence
  • How to take responsibility when your instinct is to make an excuse
A blurry background with words in the middle of it.
A group of people standing in front of a wall with speech bubbles.

The UNDERSTANDING OTHERS module seeks to help you better understand and connect with people who possess different kinds of personality traits.

These lessons are meant to be viewed in order. Please start with the Connecting with People video lesson. Each video builds upon the previous one. Following the completion of the module, you know about the four behavioral styles of the DISC model and you can use this knowledge to improve your relationships with others.

RELATING TO OTHERS, the final module of video lessons, at its core seeks to make you ready to build stronger friendships, as well as meet the needs of others.

Some of the things you will learn in this module include;
  • How to respond when others make mistakes
  • How to work with and convince others to get what you want rather than forcing them to get what you want
Two men sitting at a table with cups.

How to use santorofoundation.org

This website is a free resource of material to help improve your essential personal life skills, or EQ (emotional quotient) and social and emotional intelligence.  The material on this website ranges from individual “sayings” to a full curriculum program called Alive2Thrive.  To help you become your best self, please review all this site has to offer.  It is important you pass this site along to others so they can be the best they can be, and by doing so, we will build a better society.